Lucky Bamboo

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Recently we have been spending a lot of time settling into our new nest. Not all of the boxes are unpacked yet, but we are on the right track.
Finding a place for all of Dean’s hobbies and academic collections requires some thought. Our present furniture does not fit very well on the hardwood floor, and my wardrobe always seems to be too small.
So we need to think carefully about how to utilize every inch of our Californian square meterage. To do this, of course, we went to Ikea, in an impressive sized building located just by the popular shopping center, surrounded by tall palm trees.
In the entrance hall, we were greeted by Holiday decoration. However it was
more a European Christmas one. I have not found many adornment accents of upcoming
To gain energy before crowded shopping, we entered an even more crowded cafeteria. Everything about it, was as I suspect in all of the branches of Ikea, seemed familiar.
The popular worldwide Swedish meatballs looked tasty to the American shoppers. A cup of coffee and chocolate mousse cake instantly gave us more strength.
We began measuring available bookcases. We tried new sofas ention to the kitchen accessories (larger sizes were necessary) and bedroom selection.  Indeed, I thought that the
choice of the beds seemed to be greater than in Europe.
After we finished exploring the spacious halls, I picked a charming plant – Lucky Bamboo
– and a shower curtain with red patterns, perfect for Christmas décor.
Since we arrived without a car, we decided to order needed furniture online.
The return journey took us a little more time. The free shuttle to the city train was late for almost an hour. Nevertheless, we thought that the trip was a successful one, and our new space already feels like more
like home.




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